
In the current world scenario, it’s common to see adults suffer from a mental disorder, and yet only a very few can receive the correct treatment for mental illness. Depression can drain one’s energy, leaving you the feeling of loneliness and fatigued. Worsening it, many patients also find it is difficult to gather the strength or desire to seek treatment.


Even with people being around, the world might seem like a dark place during a depressive phase. During a depressive phase, you must have heard an inner voice that keeps on buzzing in your head with thoughts full of uncertainties, your inability to do anything in life and the pointlessness of trying.


However, there are micro-steps that you can take to improve your over-well sense of well being.


  • Voice of Depression

People often say that we should follow our hearts and listen to our inner true feelings. However, it’s not that easy for a depressed person.  When someone is lost in depression, he/she is not in the perfect position to make the correct decision regarding self-care. Their minds are full of negative thoughts and problems without solutions. One should stay optimistic as there is always a positive way out.


  • Self Care

You should learn to accept, love and care for yourself. Your every bit of hard work and every goal are worthy of appreciation and recognition. When you achieve your goals, appreciate them, you will surely vanish all negative thoughts.


  • Engulf in meditation

You should always find a way to relax and free your mind, body and soul from all the stress and anxiety.   Involve yourself in activities like yoga, meditation etc this improves your well being as well bring joy and balance into your day.


  • Look for support for your symptoms

Mental illnesses are unrecognisable and can go for even months if left untreated. It is essential to seek the right support as soon as possible for a better life. The Sooner the treatment, the sooner the recovery starts.


The important thing is to find the right treatment and the right health specialist for a person’s need. And at PointInfusion our priority is always our clients and their needs.

  • Ketamine therapy has shown effective results in treating depression as well as inflammation and chronic pain.
  • Ketamine helps to eliminate the helpless thoughts in our minds within an hour of treatment.

Ketamine has shown fruitful results in many cases where antidepressants don’t work. We provide effective treatments which help the patient to move towards the road of recovery.

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