Megan Haley

Megan Haley is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist based in Los Angeles, CA, specialized in providing comprehensive therapeutic support to adolescents, young adults, and individuals of all ages in various settings, including individual, couples, and family therapy. With unwavering passion, Megan endeavors to assist young individuals in breaking free from detrimental family patterns that contribute to their experiences of stress, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, adept at working with those grappling with body image issues, eating disorders, and an unrelenting pursuit of perfectionism, which often engenders feelings of shame and inadequacy.

Megan’s therapeutic approach is uniquely tailored to each individual she works with, recognizing the profound significance of personalized treatment. She endeavors to facilitate a reconnection between clients and their inner selves by guiding them through a process of introspection and emotional exploration. Drawing upon psychodynamic and attachment-focused perspectives, Megan skillfully navigates clients through reflections on past experiences and relationships, including their connections with their primary caregivers. Furthermore, she incorporates cognitive behavioral techniques to help clients bridge the gap between self-understanding and behavioral patterns, enabling transformative changes in all aspects of their relationships. Dedicated to manifesting her clients’ aspirations for personal growth and transformation by assisting them in making profound shifts in their personal narratives and core beliefs.

Notably, Megan holds esteemed advisory board positions at the Inspiring Children’s and Jewel Never Broken Foundations, further solidifying her commitment to the well-being of others. In addition, she serves as an executive producer and mental health advisor for iHeartMedia and Jewel’s Not Alone Campaign, showcasing her exceptional expertise and influence in the field of mental health.

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