
Does it feel like you’re on an emotional roller coaster ride all the time? One moment you feel good another moment you feel irritated and the next moment you’re down. Well, this situation is better known as mood swings/disorders and are pretty common among teenagers. But once these mood swings begin to affect your life and people around you, then it can threaten your well-being and therefore needs to be treated by medical professionals. Whereas, in some cases, a slight lifestyle change can help in recovering. If in your case the mood swings are extreme and rapid then it can be related to mental health, substance use, hormone changes or other health situations. Mood swings are also triggered due to stress, a significant change in life, diet, unhealthy sleep habits, and medications.

Types of mental health conditions

  • Bipolar disorder. Emotions range from extremely happy to extremely sad. But changes in mood associated with bipolar disorder generally only occur a few times a year.
  • Dysthymia. A chronic form of depression.
  • Cyclothymic disorder. Mild mood disorder similar to bipolar II, but less severe than those associated with bipolar disorder.
  • Major depressive disorder (MDD). Extreme sadness for a long time. MDD is also known as clinical depression.

Fluctuations in one’s emotional state are also common with depression, specifically untreated depression, where moods can swing from bad temper to extreme sadness to an angry explosion and can lead to complete hopelessness and can turn a person into a pessimist. The combination of psychological, environmental and biological dynamics causes depression. In case you are feeling as if your emotions are snooping with your work life, relationships, and even affecting your social activities then it’s time to make some changes.

How to bring your life back on track

  • Create a routine
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get sufficient sleep
  • Switch to a healthy diet
  • Do yoga or meditation
  • Express your feelings and thoughts in a creative way
  • Talk to friends

The aforementioned steps are for people who are going through mild mood disorders and that too occasionally. People facing severe mood swings, or mood fluctuations that affect their emotional cycle and put a negatively impact on their life, should take professional help. These professionals will help them identify the causes and will find appropriate treatment. For customized and effective treatment choose PointKetamine, which is known for its specialization in offering customized treatment plans for long-lasting depression treatment with fewer side effects than traditional drug therapies. The ketamine therapy process is seamless for the patients and has shown positive results even in the case of treatment-resistant depression.

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