
Aristotle rightly said that‘’ Happiness depends upon ourselves.’’ We all look for happiness in materialistic things; we search for happiness in others. The kingdom of happiness and satisfaction lies within ourselves.
Nobody else is responsible for your happiness, but you are. You will grow with time, and you will figure out what motivates you. You will create your dreams, your own beliefs, your stunning clarity, and when you get a chance to meet the person who makes your cells dance, you will be sure of it because you are sure of yourself. Before loving someone else, you have to be in love with yourself first. Believe in yourself! Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any materialistic happiness outside you. You draw people towards you who love, respect & appreciate your energy. Be like a magnet.

At some point in our lives, we all have felt fear, anxiety, depression, and a sense of being non-worthy. But brave are those who work towards getting out of it rather than lingering and holding on to it. A woman who has decreased her anxiety and tries to control it with a positive thought, exercise, and communication. A woman who daily writes affirmations of being worthy and robust. Be the man or woman who practices sidestepping negative thought to steer clear of a downward spiral. You may not be perfect, definitely do not have all the answers, but your belief in yourself will pull you out of the darkness.

Don’t live life chasing happiness. Instead, let your kind of happy chase you. Life is full of ups and downs. One thing is sure, though: happiness lies within. Real joy resides in you accepting yourself, and embracing that you have been through, all those journeys, all your ups and downs, and all those personal shortcomings, and “mistakes” supposedly. Be who you want to be today, accept you for all of you, and, most importantly, choose to be you. In a world that often denies your pain and neglects your sorrow, please honor you for yourself and how far you have come on your life journey. That’s the best thing one can do for themselves.

Just remember- You’re loved. You’re strong. You’re compassionate. You’re worthy.

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