
Undeniably COVID-19 has become the new normal. This pandemic has taken the entire world in its black shadow and is not going anywhere soon. Hence, many governments have told their citizens to accept this and start living with COVID-19. Coronavirus, which brought the economy to a standstill, is starting to see some light at the tunnel’s end. Though life is slowly coming to normalcy, a few things should never be forgotten!! Mask, Sanitizers, and Social Distancing. Wear a mask while going out, maintain social distancing, and wash your hands continuously are the new habits that we need to inculcate in our daily lives.

In many ways, life will return to the track, but it will never be the same. This is what a crisis does. Amid the pain and despair, it brings about new thinking and frequently accelerates much-needed reform. Exactly how everything will unfold is still a little dicey, but all we need to be optimistic at this unsettling time.

As lockdowns are lifted and loosened, people are worried about a new surge in cases. How can they return to schools, restaurants, and the office while keeping the coronavirus at bay? Scientists and doctors are working day and night to find a vaccine for COVID-19.

This pandemic has created depression among people because many have lost their jobs, got salary cuts, are away from family, or have lost their loved ones due to COVID-19. It is the time when we need each other the most. Keeping social distancing intact, we have to be with our friends and family. If required, one can take the help of the medical consultants. PointKetamine is helping in treating depression and anxiety. Going to therapy isn’t about getting the answers to solve your problems. It’s about being in a non-judgmental space with someone who can help provide some clarity and empowerment.

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