
The space between a dream & reality is called action. The fuel needed for action that closes space is called belief. Believe you can, & you will. Put down the doubt and start to close the space between your dreams and your reality. Have a firm belief in yourself; you are strength. You are in beauty. You are love and light and hope.

We often take self-love as being selfish, but it’s not. You need to love yourself to create your sunshine, and sometimes you need to give yourself more time and energy than you do to those around you. This relationship you’re in with yourself is the one that is forever, so give it the love it (& you) deserve.

You are stronger than that voice inside your head telling you ‘you can’t’ or ‘you’re not good enough.’ It’s not always easy, but sometimes you need to tell shut down that over criticizing voice because, let’s face it, that voice is a liar. Let go of the need to be perfect. It is challenging, and it takes time. Try to be yourself and let your thoughts flow naturally. You deserve your love and respect. Speak to yourself with kindness. Build yourself up. Be able to reflect and assess without tearing yourself down. You are stronger than that mean voice; never let it make you forget that!

You have to constantly remind yourself that you are a powerful force of nature. The only limit to what you can accomplish is your imagination. So dream big. Do big things. Step into your power and let who you shine bright like stars. Don’t let a massive day at the start of the week become baggage for tomorrow. If today was heavy, put it down. If today was messy, dust yourself off. If today was bumpy, pick yourself back up. If today just wasn’t your day, remember that you can try again tomorrow.

Believe in yourself, shine bright, and never let anyone dim your sparkle, not even yourself! You are stronger than that voice in your head telling you that you can’t; you shine brighter than the shadows of doubt it casts. Hold on tight to your light, even on the darkest days.


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