Your happiness is your own responsibility

Your happiness is your own responsibility

“Being happy is a state of mind and one that starts with you”, is the key thought to always be mindful of. This is one of the most crucial realizations that one needs to make in procession to gain happiness in life and in oneself. You can’t rely on another subject...
Positive Vision leads to positive actions

Positive Vision leads to positive actions

You must remember that “Positive thoughts will lead to positive action”. If you want to be optimistic with a positive mindset, you must make the change. It all starts with a goal and developing a vision. You must always observe how you make the change happen. A very...
Overcome the shadow with Ketamine

Overcome the shadow with Ketamine

Today depression has become a global issue. This struggle isn’t due to laziness – there are so many symptoms of depression that can make one have tremendous difficulty doing the “simple things”. Just because you can’t SEE IT doesn’t mean it’s not REAL! Although...
Never give up on yourself

Never give up on yourself

“Don’t quit. Never give up trying to build the world you can see, even if others can’t see it. Listen to your drum and your drum only. It’s the one that makes the sweetest sound.” – Simon Sinek How does it feel to quit? We all have times when we want to quit. Many of...
Regain your life with Ketamine

Regain your life with Ketamine

Do you ever get rid of depression? Can you ever get back to normal? Yes, you can get rid of it. You learn to cope with it and manage it. Yes, you can get back to the normal you once were. And with time and consistency, it gets easier not to let depression hinder your...
Happiness depends upon ourselves

Happiness depends upon ourselves

Aristotle rightly said that‘’ Happiness depends upon ourselves.’’ We all look for happiness in materialistic things; we search for happiness in others. The kingdom of happiness and satisfaction lies within ourselves. Nobody else is responsible for your happiness, but...
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