
In today’s scenario its very usual to see people around us experiencing sadness or depression at some point in their lives. But the crucial point here is to learn the difference between depression and sadness, this can help a person in a healthful way.

Sadness is a part of depression. A depression state of mind is always full of negative thoughts which can affect a person’s normal life. Therefore, a person should be aware when to seek treatment and make its own life less stress and mind relax.

  • Sadness is a part of human emotions which a person experience during a tense or sad time. Sadness can easily take care or eased by crying or talking out of frustrations. It passes with time, and it also depends on the mood of the person. But the important point is if sadness doesn’t pass, and the person doesn’t resume to its normal routine than it can lead to depression.

  • Nowadays maximum number of people suffer from depression because of this rat race life. It’s a mental disorder that has anoverpowering negative effect in a person’s life. It can occur in people of any gender, age and can alter their behaviour and attitude towards other. A depressed person always goes through feelings of sadness, hopelessness, discouragement and lack of motivation.

When an individual going through depressing phase, he/she always loss interest in activities that they found enjoyable earlier. It’s very serious as a person can even think to attempt suicide in severe cases. Insomnia, increased in amount of sleep, weight loss are sign of depression. A person becomes unable to concentrate or make any correct decisions.

Depression can leave a person struggling a live a normal life. Sadness is just a glimpse of depression.

In Point Ketamine we bought for you the best way to treat depression and we promotes a happy wellbeing.  Our Ketamine Infusions helps to demolishes all the helpless thoughts within an hour of treatment and restore the chemical balance which was disrupted by depression.Ketamine is successful in cases where antidepressants are ineffective.

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