
What’s On Your 2019 List?

What’s on your list? I am not talking about your shopping list or a to-do list. I want to know what’s on your list for life, a list recording all your big dreams, memorable ideas, or crazy aspirations in life.

Huh? You don’t have a list like that? 

You are not alone. Many never address — let alone write down — what’s meaningful to them. We are all too busy dealing with the monotony of life: taking care of the kids, going to work, paying the bills. Who needs a list of even more to do?

You do! I do! We all do!  We all crave new challenges or experiences in life, and researchers have found that our desire to explore, learn, experience and try out new things is intrinsic to our makeup.  Accordingly, even during a demanding and hectic day, we yearn to break out of the daily grind and try something different.

“Putting your goals down in writing forces you to contemplate what you really want. Then the list becomes your contract, a promise to yourself”

If ignored, you will always regret that little itch in your heart and soul that remains unscratched.  Years later you may regret that you were not more adventurous, realizing that even though you have lived innumerable days, only a few really stood out.

Such an epiphany would likely occur immediately after experiencing some hardship that causes you to think there may not be enough time left in your life to accomplish your goals. Only then would you get determined to work on a bucket list of everything you want to accomplish in life.

Why wait? All of us should get out there and start doing all the things we’ve dreamed of before it is too late, and the time to do it is NOW!  I urge you to pursue your dreams, and the best way to start is by writing them down.

Putting your goals down in writing forces you to contemplate what you really want. Then the list becomes your contract, a promise to yourself, which stipulates; “these are the first 3 things that I would really like to achieve in my life, and I will do my utmost to make sure I accomplish them”. Writing down your thoughts like this is the first step towards changing your life and making it more rewarding and memorable.

Getting started requires some thought, but moving forward will require action. Take the upcoming first month of 2019, the very first few days of the NEXT year of your life, and record what you would like to accomplish professionally and personally.

Cheers to a very happy start to 2019!

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